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Conservation Commission Minutes 12/10/2007
Chichester Conservation Commission
Minutes of Meeting
December 10, 2007

Meeting called to order at 7:02pm.  Members present:  Bob Mann. Jeff Andrews, Walter Sanborn, Zack Boyajian, Gordon Jones, Dawn Marshall and Secretary Jamie Pike.

The minutes of the November 12th meeting were reviewed.  A motion was made by Mr. Jones and seconded by Mr. Sanborn to accept the minutes as written.  Motion passes.

Review of Chuckster’s Site Visit
Mr. Mann reviewed the history of the Chuckster’s development.  The proposal includes the crossing of a wetland and a go-kart track that encroaches upon the wetlands buffer.

Mr. Mann noted that the wetlands are immediately adjacent to High-Value Wetlands but are more remote than previously thought.

Mr. Andrews stated that he preferred the proposed development stay away from the wetland buffer.

Mr. Boyajian noted that the area included in the proposal was high and level and the general slope was toward the area. The wetland would either drain under or to the east of the area of concern or toward the High-Value Wetland.  

The primary concern is regarding any fuel storage

Mr. Bill Stevens, an abutter, question the Commission how the disturbance of this area would affect the wetland.  Mr. Boyajian responded that the compaction of the land would slow but not necessarily stop the flow of water through the wetland. It was noted that any disturbance to the area, may alter the wetland.

Ms. Diane Stevens, an abutter, expressed concerns of how the removal of trees will alter the surrounding wetlands.

Mr. Blasko stated that the use of a 6’ X 4’ box culvert for the wetland crossing is proposed.  This culvert should provide for more water flow of the stream. It was also stated that the natural tree buffer will be left between the area in question and the home of the Stevens’.  Mr. Blasko also stated that every precaution will be taken to minimize the impact on the land and the neighboring properties.  There shall be no mass storage of fuel on the property, as 30 gallon portable tanks are to be proposed and any fueling would be maintained in a concrete basin

Mr. Mann does not see this as a “most” valuable wetland, and does not contain extra special features to justify protection, but any development should adhere to the 50 foot buffer requirement.

Mr. Andrews stated that his preference would be to protect the buffers most adjacent to the High-Value Wetlands and any encroachment of wetland buffers should be that of the seasonal stream.

Mr. Jones stated that his preference would be that the wetland buffers should be avoided if at all possible.

Mr. Mann shall prepare a letter for submission to the Board of Adjustment to address the concerns of the Commission.  Such letter shall be attached to these minutes for permanent record.

Tim Fleury – County Forester
Mr. Boyajian invited Mr. Fleury to address the Commission on the management and objectives of town lands.

Mr. Fleury explained to the Commission the process of developing land management plans for parcels within the Town.  The first step is to take an assessment of the properties available: tax deed properties, land donations, conservation areas, conservation easements and other Town owned lands.

Mr. Fleury described some of the legal responsibilities the Commission has in relation to conservation area and easements.

Mr. Boyajian shared with Mr. Fleury and the Commission the process through which the Recreation Committee is currently undergoing to develop and Recreation Master Plan and how that relates to a number of Town owned lands and its co-occurance with the development of land management plans of these areas.

Mr. Fleury also answered questions from the Commission regarding the designation of a Town Forest.
Review of Selectmen’s Meeting 11/27/07

It was reported that the Selectmen are in favor of going forward with the process of the acquisition of the Whittemore property one step at a time.  That next step being the completion of the Title Search process.

CCC Goals Statuts Review

The execution the Ferman Conservation Easement to be headed by Jeff Andrews
Mr. Andrews has sent an e-mail to the Ferman’s but at this time no response has been received.

The completion of the High-Value Wetlands Study to be headed by Bob Mann and Jeff Andrews
It was reported that the fieldwork has been completed and Mr. Steckler is working on the rating sheets.  A preliminary report is expected to be presented to the Commission in February.

Other Business

Mr. Mann presented the Commission with an unsigned complaint received by DES concerning the draining of a retention pond of the property of Millican Nurseries.

Mr. Jones presented the Commission with a question from Chairman Brad Towle of the Planning Board concerning the paving of parking lots.  Mr. Andrews state that he shall respond to Mr. Towle on this matter.

Ms. Marshall attended the NH Association of Conservation Commissions meeting.

Mr. Mann shared with the Commission a proposal of the establishment of a farm pond and the crossing of a wetland with a culvert on the property of Mr. Plunkett.  There is no action from the Commission required.

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Jones and seconded by Mr. Sanborn to adjourn the meeting at 9:39pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jamie A Pike, Secretary

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Robert Mann, Chairman           Date